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Dr. Law | 403-295-6555
Dr. Chan - Dr. Wong | 403-730-8817
General Dentistry Services Offered in Calgary

At Hunterhorn Dental Clinic, Dr. Law, Dr. Chan and Dr. Wong have been providing general dentistry services in Calgary for long enough now that we have the pleasure of seeing our young patients grow up. We are grateful to our regular patients for their loyalty and referrals and are always happy to welcome new patients.

General Dentistry
- Oral examination
- Oral cancer examination
- Periodontal examination
- Scaling and root cleaning
- Polishing and topical fluoride
- X-ray
- Pediatric dentistry
- Treatment of dental infection
- Whitening (take home)

Restorative Dentistry
- Crowns (porcelain and gold)
- Bridges
- Bruxism
- Root canal treatment
- Fillings
- Veneers
- Bonding

in addition, we offer
- Direct billing (if your insurance allows)
- Timely appointments
- Convenient free parking
- Comfortable, relaxed atmosphere
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